Monday, April 15, 2013

Great News

So I mentioned before that I was working with an awesome trainer, his name is Derek and he had offered a special deal for someone in need. Well turns out that I am that person in need. I could not be more thankful and excited. Derek will be working with me for 90 days, 3 training sessions a week, bugging me by text, food plans and rules. This is finally my time to get this thing done.

I started using the myfitness app which is great for accountability. It is really making me watch my calories and what I eat. It is very difficult giving up things that I love, trying to give up my coke zero, not easy at all. My first weekend was tough, I did run a 5K on Saturday, but eating out is difficult. But I can tell already that I am changing. I can order much healthier options for the most part and then I only eat half and save the rest for another meal. At the moment I am really craving something sweet but I decided to keep myself busy with other things instead. I finished my first week and I think I did really well and will continue to get better from here on out.

I am so ready to do this thing, I am going to work so hard. When I meet up with Derek he pushes me so hard, not to a point that I can't handle it. He just pushes me to do what he knows that I can do. I had no idea what I was doing on my own and with his help I am learning so much and working harder then I have ever worked before. I was the poster child for yo-yo dieting but I WILL now be the poster child for Derek McQuinn Fitness!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Baby Steps

Met up with my friend/trainer Derek for my results from the 21-day challenge. I lost six pounds and several inches all over, I try to be very excited about that but it just seems like such a small step and there is so far to go. Trying to be patient but that is obviously not something that I am good at when it comes to weight loss. I made it to the gym tonight and really feel like I have learned a lot about new ways to work out and change things up.

Sitting here thinking, dangerous when it comes to my crazy head, I am wondering who really cares. There have got to be thousands of blogs out there and really is this really all that interesting, helpful or funny. No it isn't but I guess this is just what I need to do for myself. This is a difficult and frustrating journey, especially since I did it all before and had to start over. I mean I am not getting any younger and from what I hear, the older you get the harder it is to keep weight off.

I have to write this, whether anyone reads it or not, it is important for me to keep these records. I will reach my goal, it is not an option. I have to admit something that makes me feel pretty crappy. I just logged on to my gym website and it shows how often you go to the gym, it was pitiful. But I have to realize that the past 21 days I did meet up at another gym twice a week with Derek so that makes me feel better. So now that I know that is out there I will be going as much as I can. I have been feeling sick the past couple days and today after the gym I feel stronger and even feel like the cold is going away. Doctors appointment tomorrow to check up and get my medication refilled, glad to know the number on the scale will be down again.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Getting Redundant

I was thinking about blogging again after how helpful it was previously. It really keeps me held accountable and getting my thoughts and ideas out into writing is pretty therapeutic. I found this blog that I started in 2011 and reading those few posts takes me back to that moment. It is amazing what has happened since then.

A few days after that terrible Valentine's week I started talking to an old friend and long story short we ended up getting married on January 1st, 2012. What a year! I married my best friend Rob Digel.

So I had originally (back in 2008)  started out at 220 pounds. I got down to 145 at my smallest. I felt amazing and so great about myself. By January of 2011 I had gained quite a bit back, up to 180. I worked hard and lost 20 something pounds. Then I got off my meds again, I got way too comfortable with my wonderful man who loves me no matter what I weigh.

In October of 2012 I went to the doctor about my thyroid medication and got on the scale and it said 222 pounds!!! There might be people out there who have some idea of how that felt but it is hard to describe. I felt like a huge failure, frustrated beyond belief. Talking to my doctor, he was very sympathetic and understanding. He checked my thyroid and also prescribed me a medication called Phentermine. You can look it up for details but it is what I really needed for a great kick start.

I have now gotten back down to 195! I am just happy to be back in one-derland and will never go back there again. My husband is so amazingly supportive and my family as well. My first goal was to get back down below 200 and my reward was dying my hair back to the color I wanted. My next goal, when I lose 50 pounds (170 pounds) I get to get the tattoo I have wanted for years. Then when I get to 149 I will plan, schedule and do whatever it takes to fund my abdomnioplasty. Rob said we will do whatever it takes to make sure it happens, he understands what it means to me.

Due to my huge weight gain and loss, and gain again and loss again, I went from a spare tire to a flat tire. I have the most disgusting stomach. I would put a picture but I want to wait till I have a before and after picture. It only gets worse the more that I lose and no amount on exercise, ab crunches, or lotions can even touch it, All doctors have told me the only solution is abdomnioplasty and that I am a perfect candidate. It will be the change that I need to get me to that point that I can be happy with me.

At the start of March I got talked into a 21 day challenge with a great personal trainer, Derek McQuinn (look him up on facebook) and I started at 195 and it is almost over and I have to weigh in again tomorrow to see the results. I had personal training sessions and group sessions and he worked me harder then I have ever worked. Even though there was a lot of pain and muscles that I did not even know existed were aching, I haven't felt this strong and motivated in such a long time.

So I will begin updating this blog a lot more often and let you all know my ups and downs and keep going strong, So please just keep me accountable and feel free to share your struggles and accomplishments!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Got on the scale...

January was a very crappy month for the most part, glad to be done with it and moving on with the new year. On the 1st I did step on the scale. I hate that part so much, well, not so much this time cause the results were good; but it it so scary cause I would be devastated if I saw little to no change. I lost 13 pounds this month!!! That felt good, makes that goal not seem so far away and I know what I am doing is working. I have not slowed down either, still working hard at the gym as often as I can and loving how I feel after my workouts. I am fitting into all my jeans again and feeling pretty and sexy. I cannot wait for the weather to get nice and to be able to get outside and run hopefully as much as I can, I miss it so much, the treadmill just doesn't cut it!

 I was hanging out with a friend today and came to a realization after a conversation with her about how we looked at different points in our lives, she used to be this tiny little perfect model body type and now after having babies she is still gorgeous and I am totally jealous of her skinny little body but she obviously has changes to her body after pregnancy. We looked at pictures of me before I had kids (soooo long ago) and I never ever was small, never had tiny little skinny legs or a perfect bikini body but I was not fat. I am really screwed by my height, I will forever and always have these short and stubby legs and half a torso. I don't even really know where I am going with this but I guess I have to realize my goal can't be unrealistic. I know I will be happy when the extra weight is gone and that I am beautiful at whatever weight I am at. 

Valentine's day is tomorrow, such a dumb day. I would rather get flowers or a card on a random day any other day of the year for a random sweet reason, not cause it is being forced by some day that doesn't even make sense. Single or not this day for me is just a special little day for the girls, they are my valentines. The girls like it and I love seeing them get excited about anything. Though I did get a great date on Friday but it wasn't specifically for valentine's day, but he sure did spoil me and we had a great time. Well another week starting tomorrow, I really dislike Mondays but I am happy we are back on a regular schedule. Taking things a day at a time and trusting God with all that there is to come.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I didn't eat a Donut!!!

Dear Lord please help me this week! I am just a mess lately, got my mind on so many things and trying to get my life more and more organized. My grandpa passed away last week and while it was very hard and sad it was a great time with family and celebrating a very wonderful grandpa who is now where he is happy and healthy and back with grandma =)

So I have been doing so good, better then when I started back in '08! I am not cheating, I have not had a girl scout cookie, not one! There was a big box of donuts sitting in the kitchen at work today and I wasn't even tempted, got a little hungry at the end of the day so I ate my orange, sorry, I am just proud of myself. I have been hitting the gym every day except for Sunday and it is seriously the best drug ever. I feel so sore and tired but so great and my clothes are all fitting again. There are lots of frustrations though; I hate the mirrors at the gym! In my SET class I have to watch myself way too much and I hate it, but at least I am there doing it even though I feel like the biggest person in the room.

So I got to the doctor, got my meds, got to the eye doctor and got contacts (amazing difference btw) and though my house is now a whole new project I am working hard and keeping so busy. After getting my contacts I realized a lot of things. I can't believe my eyesight was THAT bad. I literally could not see the writing on the walls. Yeah, Emma had written on the walls and I couldn't see it before. I could not see how badly my carpet needed cleaned and floors cleaned. So I have been taking little sections at a time. Cleaned spider webs I had never seen, cleaned the kitchen top to bottom, including behind the fridge (nasty) and now on to much more.

I think I mentioned before that I got my taxes done and now by February I will be debt free, with a new savings account. It will be so nice to have that pressure lifted. I am praying a lot though and thinking way too much. I don't know what anyone really thinks about me getting a tummy tuck but it has been on my mind more and more. I am so frustrated and I don't want it to seem like a vanity thing but I think after all that I have done and been through and after all the hard work I deserve this. More than deserve it, I have to do it. It scares me though for many reasons but I think it would really fix my body issues so much and just make me a newer person with much more confidence. And it isn't for anyone but me, I want to look in the mirror and be happy that I lost so much weight, not frustrated that losing so much weight made everything in the middle look like playdough hanging there (sorry tmi)!

The plan is to keep on track, will get on the scale next week though I do NOT want to at all, if I don't see a big difference it will just be hard but I will never give up, I am doing this thing and doing it for good this time, never going back, I will not be a yo-yo dieter, I have one yo and will never do it again!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I am not a Patient Person!!!

Why can't I be like the biggest loser people who have lost so many pounds in just 2 weeks? Oh yeah cause I can't live at the gym all day with personal trainers, dang it! I am seeing results though, jeans fitting that wouldn't go on before and just this amazing strong feeling that I have. I will not step on the scale though, just my thing, but I am excited to at the end of the month to see how far I have come.
I registered for the Rock the Parkway 5K on April 2! I just had to get online and do it, now there is no looking back, can't wait to get back out there, I used to love how it felt to run those races I did back in 2009, don't know why I got so lazy last year, no excuses. First this one 5K and then a 10K in June, that is the plan.
Also got my taxes done already, with some help and have so much to look forward to, going to be debt free to start the year. If you read my past blog I talked about getting an abdomnioplasty (tummy tuck) it is still in my future but I now have a plan. I am using some of my tax return to add to my tummy tuck fund. The goal is to get to 140 pounds and then I can take that money and finance the surgery cause it is not even an option, it is a must for me. To work this hard and look worse when I look at myself in the mirror is just not OK with me. So it may not be till next year or whenever I have the time to recuperate but it will be done. I don't think it is a vanity thing either, I deserve it and will love myself so much more than I already do right now.
I am really proud of myself, I have been doing great with taking meds, eating really well and watching my calories. I just wish it went faster but I know that is not how it works. I do have a cheat day but even then I am doing so much better than before, maybe extra carbs that day but then I just work extra hard at my work out, plus I couldn't make it to the gym on Monday cause we were literally snowed in and I got out my P90X and did Kenpo and the Ab DVD! I know I haven't been at it long but this is my new lifestyle and I love the way I feel so I am not going back =)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Life is a Roller Coaster, cliche, yep, sure is!

What an up and down week for me, so many emotions, can I just have one week of peace? Thankfully the best drug for me is the way I feel at the gym, so it really makes me want to go. I have muscles aching and having a hard time sleeping cause I wake up in pain but I know the end results are totally worth it all.
I did make it to that doctors appointment this week and it went really well. I was able to get my prescription and a plan for keeping up with my thyroid! Best part, for the first time EVER I weighed less on the office scale than I did on my home scale. Hoping that it means I lost the weight but I have a rule about stepping on my home scale, won't do it till at least 3-4 weeks after stepping on it once. I get too depressed if I see just 1 or 2 pound changes, if you wait longer then you see bigger numbers, hopefully, crossing fingers. 
I am, in fact, sitting here right now wishing that I could be at the gym, very frustrating that the kids club isn't open on Sundays. It is the best way to get out my frustrations, which I have quite a few of right now. So here I go on another week, tomorrow is my lift and step class  and I can't wait to sweat this all off.
My biggest thing about eating right now is reading labels, when I look at something that I want to eat I read the label first and it stops me in my tracks cause then I think how long that would take to work off on the treadmill and it becomes not worth it at all. And I am very glad that I did not order girl scouts cookies! Yeah me! 
I am actually really excited right now, so happy to be back on track and am loving getting my life together, if anyone has advice, ideas, observations on everything, organizing kids, organizing my house, my life please help me out! It is time for this girl to get her life in order once and for all!